Food & Basic Assistance Challenges in Lebanon
Since 2019, Lebanon has been facing an unprecedented financial and economic crisis that likely ranks among the top ten most severe crises globally. This has had compounding effects on already vulnerable population groups including Lebanese, displaced Syrians, Palestinian refugees from Syria and Palestine refugees in Lebanon and has manifested in a loss of jobs and income, high inflation, as well as shortages in essential services (including electricity and medications).
The price of the S/MEB has increased by more than seven times by September 2022, compared to June 2020, and has increased by 50 per cent in 2022 alone. These high levels of inflation, coupled with a loss in income-generating opportunities as well as shortages in essential goods and services, have challenged the ability of vulnerable populations to meet their basic needs.
Food & Basic Assistance Projects
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Food and BA Program Approach
Towards zero poverty
The Food and Basic Assistance Program is crafted to safeguard vulnerable households from falling deeper into poverty, all while mitigating reliance on negative coping strategies. Our main goal through this program is to enhance the accessibility of essential services for vulnerable households, while extending additional support to marginalized groups such as female-headed households, children, elderly, and individuals with disabilities.
Upon conducting comprehensive assessments of the needs of populations affected by crises, HAND tailors its interventions to align with the findings of these assessments. . In emergency situations, or through our seasonal projects like Ramadan and Adha, HAND's assistance encompasses various forms of aid, including the provision of essential heating materials during winter, Core Relief Items (CRIs) such as blankets, mattresses, and stoves, as well as clothing distributed through our Sahem Initiative showrooms. We also distribute food items such as food baskets, ready-to-eat meals, and food parcels.
Additionally, HAND extends cash assistance to those in need, with a particular focus on supporting female-headed households. This ensures that we address the diverse needs of vulnerable populations comprehensively, fostering stability within most vulnerable communities..
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Food & Basic Assistance | Food Parcels distribution

Food Parcels distribution
Fighting hunger
Considering the severe food insecurity in Lebanon, HAND helps the most vulnerable children and their families. Our interventions include two main approaches:
Charitable Store: We have established a charitable store where families in need receive coupons. These coupons can be redeemed in the store for a selection of foodstuffs and other essential supplies. This allows families to choose items that suit their specific needs and preferences.
Food Items Distribution: We distribute food baskets, ready-to-eat meals, and partial food parcels to the most vulnerable families during emergencies or during our seasonal projects.
Every Ramadan, HAND organizes communal iftars for the most vulnerable Syrian and Lebanese families in our areas of intervention. These iftars includes distribution of ready-to-eat meals, competitions with prizes, and many more.
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Food & Basic Assistance | Winter Heating Aids

Winter Heating Aids
During the winter season, particularly in cold regions of Lebanon where temperatures decreases below freezing, HAND provides heating materials to safeguard children and their families from severe winter conditions.
In collaboration with partners and stakeholders, HAND distribute heating fuel, including fuel oil, as well as essential winter clothing, firewood, blankets, stoves, and mattresses to the affected households especially those residing in ISs. These distributions are conducted prior to and during anticipated strong winter storms.
Our primary objective is to ensure that families in need have a sufficient supply of fuel and heating resources to combat the intense cold. We are committed to providing the necessary protection for children and families throughout the challenging winter season.
Our aim is to prioritize the safety and well-being of affected communities and alleviate the adverse effects of harsh weather conditions on their health and overall safety.
VASyR 2022
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In-Kind Aids

Sahem Project
Since 2012, HAND has been actively involved in providing in-kind assistance through "Sahem" initiative. It consists in collecting essential items and a diverse range of supplies from individuals and companies across multiple countries. These donations encompass food, clothing, medical supplies, children's toys, stationery, and more.
HAND team sorts and prepares these items for shipment, to addressing urgent needs in crisis-affected regions.
In Lebanon, the distribution process takes place within our showrooms where the donated items are showcased, allowing affected individuals and their children to select items that suit their preferences and fulfill their specific requirements.
"Sahem" initiative serves as a powerful way for promoting community solidarity beyond borders, forging connections between donors and beneficiaries. Additionally, it highlights the significance of responsible material reuse and recycling, fostering improved environmental and economic sustainability.
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Shelter and WASH
Hygiene and Health Awareness

Hygiene and Health Awareness
Community Engagement and Capacity Building
HAND is promoting good hygiene practices and raising health awareness
among individuals and communities. We achieve this through the
distribution of personal and household hygiene kits, as well as
educational/Awareness sessions focused on waterborne, and water
washed diseases.
One of our primary objectives is to improve hygiene behaviour,
particularly among children. We recognize that addressing diseases is
essential for ensuring a dignified life for all individuals, regardless of
whether they are in emergency or post-emergency situations.
HAND aim to empower children with the knowledge and skills necessary
to maintain proper hygiene practices. Through these initiatives, we hope
to instill long-lasting habits that will contribute to healthier futures for
children and have a positive impact on the communities they belong to.
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