HAND Organization's Achievements in 2024

A Year of Giving and Impact
March 3, 2025 by
Samer Daboul

The year 2024 was far from ordinary. It was a year of significant events and widespread changes across communities, marked by both challenges and achievements. The continued displacement of refugees, along with new waves of displacement, drove us to respond to vast and urgent humanitarian needs. We extended a helping hand across multiple areas, reaching the most vulnerable communities. Our humanitarian projects and services benefited 181,993 individuals in Arsal, Bekaa (West, Central, and Rachaya), Baalbek-Hermel, Akkar, Beirut, and the South.

HAND's Key Areas of Work and Achievements

Education: "Because Education is a Human Right for All:

Believing in education as an investment in a brighter future for individuals and communities, HAND ensured proper educational opportunities for children and youth. We successfully:

- Provided education to 21,690 students, enabling them to continue their academic journey.

- Operated 54 educational centers, ensuring access to education for the most vulnerable.

Food Security: "Because Food is a Basic Human Need

Recognizing food as a fundamental necessity for individual, family, and community stability, HAND made significant efforts to support food security by:

- HAND’s Kitchen, which provided meals to 54,400 beneficiaries.

- Distributing food baskets to 24,759 individuals (5,502 families) in Baalbek-Hermel, West Bekaa, and Central Bekaa.

Shelter and Housing Rehabilitation: "Because a Home Means Safety

A safe home is essential for stability and dignity. In 2024, HAND:

- Rehabilitated 37 collective shelters in Baalbek-Hermel, West Bekaa, and Central Bekaa, improving living conditions for displaced families.

Basic Assistance: Providing Essential Needs

To ensure dignity and basic living conditions, HAND provided:

- Blankets, mattresses, kitchen utensils, and water containers to 28,182 beneficiaries.

- Clothing to 20,129 displaced individuals and students.

Seasonal Campaigns: Extending Humanity in Times of Need

During critical seasons, HAND launched campaigns to bring relief and hope:

- Ramadan: Provided iftar meals and zakat assistance to 6,056 beneficiaries.

- Eid al-Adha: Distributed sacrificial meat to 9,771 beneficiaries.

- Winter ("Nesmat Dafa" Campaign): Assisted 753 families with heating materials, road clearance, and shelter support during harsh weather conditions.

Psychosocial Support (PSS): Promoting Psychological Well-being

Mental well-being is as important as physical aid. HAND provided psychosocial support and protection sessions to create a stable environment for children and promote social cohesion.

Partners and Supporters: Because Humanitarian Work is a Collective Effort

Our impact was made possible through the generous support of our partners and donors, including:

- Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (supporting the Digital School project)

- Al Ghurair Foundation

- Plan International




The Journey Continues: A Future Built on Generosity

Goodness knows no limits, and the hands extended to support others will continue to bring hope and light. Our achievements fuel our commitment to doing more, while the smiles of our beneficiaries inspire us to serve humanity with greater dedication.

At HAND, we believe that humanity is not just a word—it is action, a mission, and a commitment to making a difference in the lives of those in need.