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Ernst Mucke
USA Country Director
His professional background is that of a computer scientist and biometrics
expert with more than 25 years of industry experience. He has held executive-
level positions in publicly traded technology companies and startups. He is a
scientist, engineer, and a “numbers guy”. Over the years, he has managed
multi-million-dollar high-tech R&D contracts and large-scale technology
deployments with diverse teams world-wide, including in Asia, Africa, and the
Middle East.
In 2015, he has joined as a VP for Technology Vkansee, Inc, a startup in mobile
biometrics, with offices in New York and Beijing.
Ernst has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-
He has served on nonprofit condo boards in the roles of Chairman, Treasurer,
and Secretary, managing legal, operational, and financial health of the
associations, ensuring due diligence to the benefit of the members of the
respective communities.