Happiness on wheels 2

Welcome to our Campaign!
Eid has always meant gifts, toys, and pocket money for children! As kids, we eagerly awaited it, embracing our new clothes and looking forward to any sweets or gifts we would receive.
However, thousands of children have never experienced this joy due to their harsh circumstances.

This Eid, through our "Happiness on wheels 2" campaign, our Happiness Bus will travel through various informal settlements and camps, distributing gifts and pocket money to children, spreading joy and making Eid celebrations unforgettable.

This campaign will create memories that last a lifetime and feelings that leave a lasting impact.

0% HAND Administration fees.

Be a partner in bringing joy to children's hearts this Eid.

Collected: $1500
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تبرع الآن
A $3 donation secures

Eid gift that brings a smile to a child's face

A 1000$ donation secures

Eid gift and toy that create unforgettable happiness.

A $100 donation secures

Brings Eid joy and overwhelming happiness to a group of children.

A $500 donation secures

Provides Eid gifts, toys, and unforgettable moments of happiness for children in camps.

A $500 donation secures

4 sheep - 64 family-sized portions of meat

Make a hope

Custom Amount

Enter any amount you want

نلتزم في فريق هاند على أن نكون صلة الوصل بين المتبرع والمستفيد،
دون اقتطاع أية مصاريف إدارية.  

بإمكانكم التواصل مباشرة مع فريقنا للإجابة على استفساراتكم فيما يخص حملة عيد الأضحى، على البريد الإلكتروني التالي: 

في فريق اليد، نحن ملتزمون ب

Raise $ 5000

Gifts and Pocket money

Engage 10

Ten camps filled with children smiles

Secure 2,000

طفل سعيد في عيد الأضحى